Originally posted by TheDemotarian:You don't need that many stations lol Well that really depends on how you lay out your city, what you want to achieve, how much your city rely on industries or offices. either train or boat to export, as well as probably beeing able to raise your exports numbers due to higher capacity. With the ban I can very well control most of my trucks then to use only the closeby cargo station, still have all my city parts connected to avoid any strange behaviors from service vehicles.Īs for using rail cargo and want to avoid having trucks going directly to harbor, you can still try to drop a cargo station that is only connected to your inner city loop near harbor, that would as well probably help avoiding trucks going directly to harbor, and also that could help using more the inner cargo station to dispatch to fastest way. I, by the way, always used heavy traffic ban to *force* the truck traffic, but still for any reasons that I'm unable to understand (and don't make me say what I don't say, I don't consider this as a bug, but a process out of my reach -p ) I still have some trucks passing right trough heavy traffic ban anyways (that looks more exporting, so not considered as delivering goods.) but it's amount is well neglectable compared to what would be without the ban Wrong cause boxtrucks and delivery vans are not considered as *trucks*, and the trucks that still need to deliver because they have no ther way to do it, will still use the places where ban is activated. But then goods want reach the commercial zones either. Originally posted by guess, the only solution is a heavy traffic ban around every industrial area to prevent trucks from leaving it. The only trucks you'll see will be "local delivery." If you did it right, nearly all trucks will vanish from the main roads as they use the rail to move things around the city. Make sure goods can still be moved from your industrial to commercial zones, though. That means applying a heavy traffic ban to force goods to be shipped by rail. Then you need to make the trip by truck less desirable.

All of the other stations feed into that new one, and then goods are trucked across the street to the one and only station that leads out of the city. This may require building a seventh station right next to (ideally, across the street from) the one station that's getting all the traffic. The solution is to first isolate the two rail networks. In your case, the shortest trip is to truck it to that one station for export. This is because it's a longer trip to put things on one train, send it around the city by rail and offload it again compared to using a truck.

If the intra-city rail network is connected to the inter-city network, then the trains will basically be used only for inter-city traffic. I've had a very similar problem in my first city.